Sunday, April 24, 2011

School Milk

From Dr. Duckworth: While I don't really endorse white milk, I certainly endorse the purposes of this campaign. Please read.


Wow, what a response!

In the past week over 30,000 have signed on to Jamie’s call to stop serving sugary flavored milk in schools and bring back plain, white milk instead.

But to make a REAL difference, we need to find more supporters – anyone you know who is concerned about their kids getting too much sugar.

Forward this email to your friends and ask them to join the thousands of parents who believe schools should replace flavored milk with wholesome white milk instead.

The Food Revolution team

P.S. Get the full post from @TheSlowCook on flavored milk:

Dear Food Revolutionaries,

Too much sugar is threatening the health of our kids and we’ve got to do something about it.1

Flavored milk, the chocolate and strawberry milk which is served for breakfast and lunch at school, is sweetened with sugar that kids don’t need and just adds extra calories to an otherwise healthy drink.

The facts deserve to be taken seriously. According to the National Dairy Council, flavored milk contains about 4 teaspoons of added sugar; plain white milk2 doesn’t have any added sugar. It also contains colors, flavors and artificial sweeteners that don’t add any nutritional value. Check out the label and you’ll be able to see for yourself.

Many parents don’t realize this, but chocolate milk has the same amount of sugar as a soft drink (that’s the added sugar plus the natural sugar contained in all milk). Just one additional soft drink per day increases a child’s obesity risk by 60% and is a major contributor to Type 2 diabetes3.

But there is something we can do. Join me in asking schools to promote plain, white milk instead. Help spread the message that wholesome, plain milk is best and that sugary, flavored milk should only be enjoyed as an occasional treat.

Support the Food Revolution campaign to bring back plain milk in schools:

Big love,
Jamie O

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